Fall Plant Sale 2024- Plant Now for Spring Blooms!
With a focus on Spring flowering trees and shrubs, Mobile Botanical Gardens' Fall Plant Sale 2024 promises to be our best plant sale yet! This year's sale will take place on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, October 24th, 25th and 26th, from 9 am until 3 pm each day.
Come for the best selection yet of both evergreen and deciduous azaleas, Asian magnolias, native trees, edibles, and much, much more! And enjoy our all-new Nita's Marketplace, named in honor of our dearly departed Nita Crandall. Decorated with all sorts of "Nita things," such as beautiful butterfly benches donated by the Spring Hill Garden Club, you will find that our Marketplace is much improved as Nita's Marketplace now! Whatever your garden is missing, you are sure it to find it here.
They say that money can't buy happiness, but at Nita's, it definitely does!
updated 10.10.24
(More plants added soon! Check back for updates).
Japanese Magnolias for your Mobile, AL Garden
Azaleas for your Gulf Coast Garden
Here is a link to wonderful information on native azaleas from Dr. Maarten Van der Giessen. Ask a Master Gardener: Alabama's Native Azalea Treasure (mobilecountymastergardeners.org)
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